A 43-year-old business mogul Dozy Mmuobosi, has complained over the treatment he has gotten from the British government since his bid to buy Skybet Championship outfit Sheffield United was made public.
Mmobuosi believes he has been over-scrutinized because he is from Nigeria and an Africa.
“Hopefully I get approved by the EFL and you (Sheffield United fans) find me a capable partner,” Mmobuosi told FIVE podcast
and was quoted:
“I’m a long-term, focused person. I’m not here to just take and go.
“I believe we’ll get to the Premier League and remain there. I intend to run this club not just as a business that benefits the fans and myself, but the community.”
“I am one of the most scrutinized individuals that I know.
“I run a public company, the scrutiny for me is different and I feel that. My market cap is hit because maybe wall street has refused or failed to understand our message. But we are undervalued and I feel that if I weren’t Nigerian or African, it would have been different.
“So, I think the world needs to change this attitude of naming people, shaming people, or doubting people because they come from a certain place.”
Credit: Five Podcast