BrickHall Schools in Abuja Shaken by 4-Year-Old Pupil’s Sudden Death during Lunchtime

A devastating incident shook the BrickHall Schools in Abuja when Miguel Ovoke, a four-year-old pupil, passed away during lunchtime on Wednesday. The tragic news sent shockwaves through the school and the surrounding community, leaving families and friends reeling from the loss of the young student.

According to Excel Specialist Hospital in Abuja, the released  death certificate confirmed that Miguel Ovoke, a 4-year-old pupil at BrickHall Schools, was brougth to the hospital by his teachers at approximately 11am on Wednesday, April 24th, in an unconscious state. The death certificate sheds light on the timeline of events that led up to the tragic incident, as the young pupil’s teachers rushed him to the hospital after he fell unconscious during lunchtime.

According to the medical report released by Dr. Akinwande Ajayi, on behalf of the medical director at Excel Specialist Hospital, Miguel Ovoke’s death was the result of “aspiration on meat while feeding at school.”

The Excel Specialist Hospital report states that upon examination, Miguel Ovoke’s pupils were fixed and dilated, with no response to light stimuli. The report describes a condition known as “fixed and dilated pupils,” which is a serious sign of serious brain injury or death.

His peripheral pulses were said to be “impalpable, blood pressure was unrecordable, and there was no cardiopulmonary activity or respiratory excursions, silent chest.”

The report indicated that all efforts of the medical team to resuscitate him failed.

The report concluded that he was “Brought in Dead.”

In light of the heartbreaking circumstances surrounding Miguel Ovoke’s death, his parents have turned to legal counsel in their quest for justice. Deji Adeyanju, a lawyer known for championing human rights cases, has been contacted by the grieving family. Reports suggest that the parents are skeptical of the official cause of death and suspect foul play, resulting in their decision to enlist the help of legal experts to examine the case.

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