Muslim Clerics Threatens “Isese Worshippers” In Ilorin

A video has emerged online showing Muslim clerics threatening a set of Isese worshippers in the Oko Owo area of Ilorin, Kwara State.

The worshippers are seen performing some traditional rites at the bank of a river. In the video, the rites are however disrupted by the clerics who ordered them to leave the river.

A Facebook user, Alfa Aribidesi At-Tawdeeh Islamic Da’wah, shared the video Friday night captioning it: “ANOTHER OSUN WOMEN CAUGHT LIVE @ OKO OLOWO IN ILORIN TODAY!!!”

The video shows a Muslim cleric charging towards the priestess who had yet to be identified, as she and her members stood by a river ready to offer sacrifices.

The cleric could be heard threatening to not only ruin the traditional procession and rites but also physically attack the priestess and two other girls in her company.

Speaking in Yoruba, one of the clerics could be heard saying:

“We warned you against these sacrifices. I have you on tape with your calabashes.

“You dare not drop the calabashes,” the cleric screamed at the convoy.

‘Everything you are saying is cheap talk. I am an Indigene just like you,” one of the women in the Osun priestess’ group fired back at the cleric who made it a point to also mention that Ilorin does not tolerate traditional religious practices.

The two exchanged heated words for a while before the cleric began to charge toward the priestess and her girls, chanting a Muslim prayer as he marched on.

“Come out here because this is Ilorin and such is not allowed. Is this Osun? Leave! Leave! Leave now! Do you not hear me, leave or I’ll pelt you with stones.”

The priestess ignored all of his threats and continued with her rites.

One thought on “Muslim Clerics Threatens “Isese Worshippers” In Ilorin

  1. Public display of all this their sacrifices is wrong, nobody banned them from worshipping their idols in their home. But in a town where more than 90% of it’s occupiers are Muslims, does not seems right to me.

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