National Assembly Invitation: X-raying The Deeper Implications Of Buhari’s Snub – By Karl Ogumah


“Political language is designed to make lies sound truth and murder respectable, to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind” George Orwell

The Orwellian thought above clearly reflect the current political development in our country particularly the very annoying statement of the minister for Justice and Attorney General of the federation on the legality of the National Assembly invitation of the president.

The National Assembly responding to the rampart terrible security reports of murder, kidnapping and other security breach across the country and the open incompetence of the service chiefs sent a letter to the president to come and address them particularly on the recent cold blooded killings of innocent rice farmers in Zabarmari, Borno State.

One would have expected that the president and his advisers would seize the opportunities presented by the invitation to clarify the challenges the security agencies are facing and use it to seek the support of the national assembly and even appease the masses assuming the challenge is paucity of budget provision to prosecute the fight better but rather what we have seen so far is high level of executive irresponsibility from the president and his useless team of advisers!

In a well circulated statement credited to the minister of Justice Abubakar Malami (SAN), he was shamelessly talking to the legality or otherwise of the rights of the national assembly to invite the president on such an important issues of security!

When you weigh their statements and arguments in the faces of the high numbers of innocent souls that have died due largely to their stupidity and inept leadership you will be tempted to ask where or what these lots reason from, for these kind of reasoning clearly betray clear conscience and deep reflections. George Washington couldn’t be more correct when he said we should; ‘ Guard against the impostures of pretended patriotism’.

On a critical analysis of why will a president not seized the opportunities to reassure his people who already don’t think the president is capable of any good, revealed very lucidly that their fear is not unconnected to how the president goofed in various similar occasions in the past! I hope you still remember the embarrassment the president brought to the country while addressing the UN climate change conference, His responds to the NTA reporter during the elections and the recent question reporters asked him on the insecurity in the country and his response that the “IG is loosing weight.”

While this may cause us to laugh, the wider implications on the mental capacity and wellness of the person making decisions on how the government is run is called to question and this exposes the lacuna as provided by the Constitution on when a president is deemed fit to continue to act as president. Unfortunately the effects of the cumulative dumfooleries are not unseen on the decision to kill innocent protesters in lekki and the current economic crunch/ recession we now found ourselves.

The lessons of the past are not yet well learnt. And this logically mean that a new future is inevitable.

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